Mily Flores
We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for September- Mily Flores. Mily has been volunteering with us since early 2024 to deliver books for our partners’ minibiblios around the city. Her dedication to our mission shines through. Thanks Mily! Here is what she has to say about her experience:
“Volunteering at minibiblioPLUS has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. It has allowed me to fulfill my dream of spreading my love for reading by delivering books to daycares throughout Montreal. I strive to encourage or motivate others to continue learning, regardless of age. Seeing the children’s excitement when they see me arrive with a new bag of books fills my heart with joy and appreciation for them, their parents, and the daycares. I am extremely grateful to minibiblioPLUS for allowing me to reconnect with my younger self in ways I would have never dreamt of. Thank you minibiblioPLUS for welcoming me into such a caring and supportive community and showing me the significance of involvement in our future children’s lives. I hope my passion for books empowers children and helps them find their people, just as I did!”