Chloe Ackan
👏🤩 Congratulations to our latest volunteer of the month for October, Chloe Ackad. Chloe is such a happy and enthusiastic storytime animation volunteer who brings the children much happiness with her readings. Here is what she has to say about her experience:
Volunteering at minibiblioPLUS is truly a magical experience. Going to read books to those amazing children is one of the highlights of my week, and I always leave the daycare with a big smile on my face. Over the last few months, I have been going to the same place on a weekly basis to do story time animations and I have gotten to know very well both the children who attend this daycare, as well as its staff of wonderful women. I have grown very fond of all these grown and little people, as they have all made me feel so welcome. I am proud to have become a member of their little community. I enjoy every moment I spend with the children and the staff alike, laughing together about a wonderfully silly book. In those moments I feel like a child again, enjoying the simple joy of a book with beautiful illustrations.
As I know that all the young minds I read to will be growing up around screens, it is important to me to show these children how magical a paper book can be. Encouraging early childhood literacy is crucial, and that is what we are doing here at minibiblioPLUS . Books have the power to bring so much joy, and I hope to spread that joy every week when I turn the first page of a new book.