
Early Literacy Workshop

Parent Workshop at LMRC

We facilitated an online Early Literacy Workshop with parents of LaSalle Multicultural Resource Center – LMRC. Here is what they had to say:
‼️?“On behalf of LMRC and especially the early childhood development program, I would like to express gratitude to the minibiblioPLUS team for all the work you do, LMRC and our community of families continue to benefit from your support; you are truly making an impact in our community. I received feedback on your presentation yesterday and the facilitators and social worker were very thankful, as well as the parents who were very engaged and felt that you have provided them new tips, reminders and refreshed their practice with their children for literacy success and general wellbeing.”
Thank you to LMRC and the parents for their participation and for encouraging the love of reading with the little ones at home!
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Early Literacy Workshop

Workshop at PEP

We had the pleasure of facilitating a workshop for social workers at PEP (Parents engagés pour la petite enfance). We had the chance to discuss different ways to support parents, specifically the unique needs of allophone families, and help integrate early literacy into their homes and daily lives. It was an enriching experience for all!
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Salon du Livre de Montréal



We had a great time with our friends from Association Cigogne for a special event in collaboration with Salon du Livre de Montréal. Our special guests, Céline Cooper, Gillian Aitken, and David read to the children stories by Montreal authors, Elise Gravel and Melanie Watt. Thank you all for participating and for sharing your love of reading with the little ones.

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Share the Joy of Reading

It was such a pleasure to welcome our partners to the Fraser Hickson Library and #sharetheloveofreading. Partners collected books for the children, helping them continue on their reading journeys during the Winter holidays. We are thrilled with all that we have accomplished, despite these challenging times, in collaboration with our partners and the support of our donors. And a huge thank you to our volunteers: Wanessa, Stephanie, Madeleyn, Jacqueline and Nina! We couldn’t have done it without you! ❤
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Early Childhood Week

Early Literacy Worskhop for parents

As part of Early Childhood Week, minibiblioPLUS facilitated a parent workshop to provide parents tips and tricks on how to incorporate reading to children easily at home! Thank you for encouraging the joy of reading to little ones!

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Happy Halloween

Halloween Mouse by Philip Roy

We are delighted to add a new video to our author story-time video series. We welcome children’s author, Philip Roy to this series reading his book “Halloween Mouse”. What a fantastic experience for all our partners! A big thank you to Philip and his wife Leila for their collaboration and dedication to our mission. Happy Halloween to all!
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New Partner

Garderie 2 L.I.F.E

Join us in welcoming our newest partner: Garderie 2L.I.F.E Here is our librarian Marco with Daycare Director Joe at the installation of their minibiblio. Thank you for sharing the love of books with children. Happy reading!

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New Partner

Centre Greene Ave Community Center

Join us in welcoming our newest partner, Centre Greene Ave. Community Centre! Here is Diahara Traoré (ED) and Heather Hodges (Head of Programs) at the installation of their new minibiblio. Thank you for sharing the love of books with your children. We look forward to working together. Happy reading!

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New Partner

Giant Steps

Join us in welcoming our newest partner: Giant Steps! Here is Marco with Marla at the installation of their minibiblio. Thank you for sharing the love of books with children. Happy reading!

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Contact Info

3755, Botrel Street, Suite S-102
Montreal, QC H4A 3G8

(514) 872-0517
