Volunteer of the month – March 2023
Isabel Meadowcroft
We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for March 2023: Isabel Meadowcroft! Here’s a message from her:
“I fondly remember my favourite children’s books – mostly because my dad was an energetic reader who delighted in animating them and because of the enduring lessons I learned from these stories. As a child I learned to read later than my peers, but I believe it was this early connection to literacy that meant I picked it up quickly once I had help, becoming an avid reader. I now take pride in supporting minibiblioPLUS’ mission to develop early literacy skills through instilling in children a lifelong love of reading and learning. I enjoy using puppets, props, and imagination-based games to actively engage the children with the content of the book. I’m delighted when, after story-time, the children initiate play based on the characters and themes from the books. Now, without prompting, the four-year-olds make predictions about what might happen in the story and ask questions about the material during the read-aloud! Most of all, I love it when the children rush to the bookshelves after story-time to pick out their favourite books to read individually. Through volunteering with minibiblioPLUS I’ve witnessed how reading stories aloud to children encourages their problem-solving and creative skills as well as their empathy.”