
Volunteer of the month – August 2023

Volunteer of the month -August

Sivaranjini Ramesh

Sivaranjini Ramesh

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for August 2023: Sivaranjini Ramesh! Here’s a message from her:

“I had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer at minibiblioPLUS, an oasis of learning and imagination. It’s remarkable how this library extends its doors to daycares and children for free. This inclusivity ensures that every child can experience the enchantment of books right in their daycare setting.

When I was a child, I cherished my visits to the library, immersing myself in captivating stories. Witnessing minibiblioPLUS bring the magic of books to children in the cozy embrace of their daycare centers is truly incredible. The well-organized shelves, thoughtfully categorized books, and the library’s commitment to promoting equity and cultural understanding showcases its dedication to fostering knowledge.
In my role as a library assistant, I had the privilege of not only shelving books but also delving into their contents. Exploring topics as profound such as mental health and the pandemic, pertinent yet often overlooked, was eye-opening. What’s even more inspiring is that children are introduced to these sensitive subjects, encouraging them to embrace responsibility and empathy from an early age.

Learning the intricacies of library management, from the Dewey Decimal System to cataloging and shelf organization, brought me immense pride and a sense of accomplishment.
The experience of being a librarian was exhilarating, and Marco’s reminder of the quote, “I’m a librarian, what’s your superpower?” encapsulated the empowerment I felt with every passing week.
Although my schedule keeps me occupied at the moment, I eagerly anticipate the day I can return to minibiblioPLUS once more, rekindling the passion I hold for books, organization, and the boundless world of learning.


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Volunteer of the month – July 2023

Volunteer of the month – July 2023

Shakera Ahmed

Shakera Ahmed

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for July 2023: Shakera Ahmed! Here’s a message from her:

Since starting this journey as a storytime animator, this role has brought me immense joy and satisfaction!
Volunteering at minibiblioPLUS helped me become a more flexible person. When working with children, you quickly realize that anything can happen, but you learn to adapt to those unique situations. Seeing the children’s faces light up with excitement just by my presence makes this role even more enjoyable. Their eagerness gives me the energy to work harder to make the next reading session more memorable.

MinibliblioPLUS impacts those children positively, and I am witnessing it throughout this journey. These reading sessions allow them to express their opinions and feelings but also gain confidence by doing so. Through this role, I also have the opportunity to instill important values, morals, and life lessons since most of the books are educational. Most importantly, Minibiblioplus is also impacting their families. By providing these storytelling sessions, we alleviate some of the burdens faced by parents who may be unable to dedicate sufficient time to reading with their children. We become a valuable support system.

Thank you for allowing me to contribute to such a meaningful cause!

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Volunteer of the month – May 2023

Volunteer of the Month

Gaelle Paquet

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for May 2023: Gaelle Paquet! Here’s a message from her:

“On my first day volunteering, I was surprised to find that a group of young children could make me so nervous. Though, it only took me a few minutes to realize how wonderful and curious they were. Throughout my volunteering, I have come to think that reading is an integral part of life, full of learning, and fun. So, I believe it is extremely important for kids to develop an interest in reading early on. By exposing them to books in a fun, informal way, the kids I work with have really developed a strong and long-lasting relationship with reading. This is why I think projects like minibiblioPLUS are so necessary.
Besides bringing me lots of fun time reading and playing with kids, my volunteering here has given me a new outlook on the link between education and entertainment. I truly value my work here and I think that seeing the kids’ faces light up each time they see me and the books is one of the most priceless feelings ever.”

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Contact Info

3755, Botrel Street, Suite S-102
Montreal, QC H4A 3G8

(514) 872-0517
