What’s New

New Partner

Garderie La Petite Académie Centrale

Join us in welcoming our newest partner, La Petite Académie Centrale. Here is Gisele with Angela at the installation of their new minibiblio. Thank you for sharing the love of books with your children. Happy reading!

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100th Partner in NDG/CDN!

Garderie Les Petits Anges de Wesley- 100th Partner in NDG!

?Congratulations to Garderie Les Petits Anges de Wesley for being our 100th partner in NDG/CDN! We are proud to have reached such a milestone in our community.  Thank you to Liane and Jane for welcoming us with open arms. We are grateful to you for your partnership and for helping us share the joy of reading with the children of the NDG community. Happy reading to all!
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Volunteer of the month – February 2022

Wanessa Cardoso de Sousa

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for February 2022: Wanessa Cardoso de Sousa! Here’s a message from her:

Volunteering at  is such an honour! I always loved listening to stories and sharing this passion with others. I am delighted to show children the joy of reading and learning new things through story-time. I share ’ philosophy on the importance of early literacy, and it’s a pleasure for me to demonstrate to children that it is possible to dream and have fun while learning with books. I also love helping in the library. All the moments I dedicated to make me even more positive that working as a librarian is something that I want to do!

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Virtual Workshop for Parents


A workshop to encourage early literacy for children

Want to learn more about early literacy? Attend an early literacy workshop for parents! Read all about it in this news article.

Thank you Welcome to NDG for hosting this collaboration. The virtual workshop will be held on Thursday, February 3 at 5:00 pm Come learn tips on how to promote early literacy for your child, at home, from an early age and even before they start school. Registration is required.

Un atelier pour encourager l’alphabétisation précoce des enfants

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Family Literacy Week

Family Reading

Join us as we celebrate FAMILY LITERACY WEEK!   encourages you all to spend at least 15 minutes a day enjoying a book together. Click on the photo for a list of books you can all enjoy as a family. Happy reading!


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Book of the month- January

Ruby’s Chinese New Year by Vickie-Lee

Presenting our book of the month for January, “Ruby’s Chinese New Year” by Vickie Lee. This book will help you celebrate the Chinese New Year with your little ones, coming up on February 1st 2022.

Animals from the Chinese zodiac help Ruby deliver a gift to her grandmother. But who will help her to deliver it? Ruby realizes that nothing is more precious than family! Click on the photo to discover festive activities to compliment your reading!

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New Partner

Halte Garderie Le Baluchon

Join us in welcoming our newest partner: Halte Garderie Le Baluchon. Here is Marco with Genny at the installation of their new minibiblio. Thank you for sharing the love of books with your children. Happy reading!

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Volunteer of the month – January 2022

Natalie Lavers

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for January 2022: Natalie Lavers! Here’s a message from her:

“Stories are such a wonderful way to connect and have a shared experience with students. When I arrive with a bag of beautiful books from , the children’s eyes light up! One of the most precious moments I had this year was when one student was almost falling out of his seat with excitement while I was reading Mélanie Watt’s Chester. When I arrived the following week, this boy gave me a picture he drew of Chester. When I thanked him, he told me it wasn’t for me, but I was to give it to the author (I did my best!). How fulfilling it has been volunteering with , I get to make these wonderful connections with students and spread the joy of reading.

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Holiday Reads 2021

Looking for something festive to read to the children in your life? Our librarian prepared a list with some great books that will put you in the holiday mood! Click on the image above to access the list!

Happy Reading!

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Contact Info

3755, Botrel Street, Suite S-102
Montreal, QC H4A 3G8

(514) 872-0517
