Volunteer of the Month

Volunteer of the month – February 2023

Anna Savulescu

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for February 2023: Anna Savulescu! Here’s a message from her:

“Following the suggestions of my brother, who is also a volunteer with minibiblioPLUS, I joined this team, as a Video storyteller, four months ago. Even if I was somewhat reluctant at the beginning, for fear of disappointing young listeners who might browse my videos, it took only three videos to gradually acquire self-confidence and find the satisfaction of feeling useful while creating, animating and having fun. I feel even more valued knowing that the diversity of themes covered in my readings makes it possible to reach children with different curiosities and preferences. Triggering smiles and arousing the interest of toddlers in reading, brings me a lot of pleasure. Thanks to my contribution, I hope that I succeeded in helping minibiblioPLUS to carry out its activities of awareness and early literacy and that more and more children will take their first steps in reading.”

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Volunteer of the month – January 2023

Bee Bergeron

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for January 2023: Beatrice Bergeron!

Here’s a message from her:

“As a child, my mother read me a story every bedtime until I learned how to read. She told me it was my favorite part of the day, in part because she framed it as a treat. I am convinced this made me a voracious reader, who sometimes had to be told off to stop reading when going down the stairs. I am grateful my mother made this effort for me. Especially since someone told her I might never learn how to read when I was 4. Only because I am autistic (which has nothing to do with being able to read, but maybe has a little to do with why I organize my library by color).

I decided to volunteer for minibiblioPLUS to pay forward what my mother gave me. I am also very happy I was assigned to a school for autistic children.

After reading Neil Gaiman’s article (Why our Future Depends on Libraries, Reading and Daydreaming) where he discusses the benefits of reading and being read to, it really cemented my desire to volunteer at minibiblioPLUS.”

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Volunteer of the month – November 2022

Douglas Barnes

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for November 2022: Douglas Barnes! Here’s a message from him:

“It is my privilege to work as a volunteer at minibiblioPLUS. Working with a dedicated staff and a team of volunteers whose love of what they do is surpassed only by their ability to do what they love is very much  satisfying and rewarding.”

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Contact Info

3755, Botrel Street, Suite S-102
Montreal, QC H4A 3G8

(514) 872-0517
