What’s New

Volunteer of the month – November 2022

Douglas Barnes

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for November 2022: Douglas Barnes! Here’s a message from him:

“It is my privilege to work as a volunteer at minibiblioPLUS. Working with a dedicated staff and a team of volunteers whose love of what they do is surpassed only by their ability to do what they love is very much  satisfying and rewarding.”

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Volunteer of the month – October 2022

Cyra Pantaleon

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for October 2022: Cyra Pantaleon! Here’s a message from her:

minibiblioPLUS and their philosophy of the importance of early literacy really speaks to me because as a child, my mom has always read books to me, which probably sparked my everlasting love for reading. I still remember the stories she read to me, how excited I was to hear them, and I want them to have the same pleasurable experiences as me. Every time I enter a classroom, they yell out my name with so much excitement that it makes my whole week, and it feels great knowing that they are excited to see me and to read with me. Whenever I get a new book bag, it’s as if I’m a child again, and I get excited to see the new books I get to read. minibiblioPLUS is such a great community, I always feel welcomed, and they even helped me land a job! Thank you for this amazing opportunity, it will always hold a special place in my heart!

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Volunteer of the month – September 2022

Stephanie Mansell

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for September 2022: Stephanie Mansell! Here’s a message from her:

“I count myself to be lucky because, as a child, my mother brought me to our local library every week. I loved the quiet of the library, being surrounded by books, and getting to take home a stack to read at home. The library gave me access to a seemingly endless collection of stories to get lost in. I know that not every child has the same opportunity and that many don’t get the chance to visit the library in their neighbourhood at all. I therefore love the fact that minibiblioPLUS brings the library to these children. I very much enjoy volunteering in the minibiblioPLUS library—all these years later and I still love books and reading and libraries. Every child should have access to books. I like knowing that the volunteer work I do in the library adds up and contributes to childhood literacy in my community.”

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Contact Info

3755, Botrel Street, Suite S-102
Montreal, QC H4A 3G8

(514) 872-0517
